Monday, July 23, 2007

She's Baaaack!

I'm Baaack!!!!
Well, I'm so sorry that I've been MIA for the last month! I did not realize how long it had been since my last post!! It's been a crazy summer!!
Anyway....Time to catch-up! I'm still on the search to find myself....I've come to the realization that God has not had me in my current location, situation, occupation, aggravation, aggitation, complication.....and any other "ation" out there for nothing!! He's had me on the search to find me!
The "Real" me, not someone or something that I thought in my head that I have to be! But the person He created me to be!
My Spiritual Mom....aka Pastor Tara Sloan.....she's over at Destiny Driven .... You should check her out......I don't know how to add her blog, so that you can go straight there.....I'm still learning, be patient with me!!! Anyway, my spiritual mom.....the most encouraging person on the face of the planet, has really been moving into a new realm and new level in her calling, and I'm so proud of her!! She recently said something to me about "Dreaming"......and it has stuck with me, I can't get away from it........God has been asking me......"Christy, what is your dream? What are the desires, the passion that you feel drive you to where you want to go in life? At first, I had to think about it.....and it was almost like He was saying....this is not a trick question.....there's no right or wrong answer......I placed those desires, that passion, that force that drives you.....I placed those things in your heart, so that they would be tools to fulfill your destiny!! So, now I realize, I can't be afraid to dream, I have to embrace it! Don't care what others think about your dreams, don't worry about failure.....because this is the tool that God has placed inside of you, for you to be able to grow in Him......His word says that without a vision my people parish.......a vision is a dream! So, keep pursuing the dream that God has placed inside you!
My husband and I celebrate our 10th Wedding Anniversary this Wednesday the 25th! We're taking a few days to get away in this cabin, in the North Georgia Mountains.....secluded from anyone, and anything.....distractions....there is no cable, so we might watch a few movies......but other than that......we're going to take this time to get totally refocused......I'm taking a journal, that I've set aside as our "Dream Journal".....and we are going to take some time to write out (together) our dream as a husband and wife, then when we get home, we're going to do this as a family......and from then on it's time to start "Chasing some Dreams"!!!
I'll catch you up to speed on how this trip goes! Pray that the Lord will meet us there, and speak to us like He never has before!

1 comment:

Tara Sloan said...

Hey! That's the Christy I know! It would be awesome if you really developed the "Dream Journal" concept. When you get back share some of the revelation, insight and plans with the other bloggers!