Saturday, August 18, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

Well, I was tagged by Pastor Tara....thought this was really neat!!

Accent - Very Southern!
Booze of choice - Sweet Tea!

Chore I hate - Putting Laundry away
Dog or Cat - Don't have either right now, would love a dog some day, for the kids!
Essential electronics - Computer, mobile phone, and TiVo!
Favorite perfume(s)/cologne(s) - I like the Mary Kay line
Gold or Silver? - White gold or silver
Hometown - Talladega, Al
Insomnia? - Not really, I have this weird thing that I didn't know that I did, until the first few nights my husband and I were married....I scared him to death, when my whole body would jerk for no reason, as I'm falling asleep....matter of fact we talked about it today, I still do it most nights!
Job Title - Only at the present time....Medical Office/Administrative...Wife, Mother, sometimes feel like SuperWoman!

Kids? - 2 Joshua and Hannah!
Living Arrangement - Only at the moment....a very small 2 bedroom apt with my sweet kids, and my hubby!

Most admired trait - Loving Person
Overnight Hospital Stays - Several- 2 C-sections, along with some sicknesses here and there

Phobia - Driving around really high mountains....I don't like the edge!
Quote -“Never allow people, problems, or the pain of your past pause your present, punish your person, prison your potential, or paralyze your progress!” Stole this one from Pastor Tara! Love you!!
Religion - Christian
Siblings - Two brothers
Time I wake up - Around 5:15 a.m. during the week.....9:00a.m. on Saturdays!
Unusual talent/skill - Don't really have unusual talents!

Vegetable I refuse to eat - pretty much like them all....never tried brussel sprouts...don't think I would like them!
Worst habit - At times, I don't tend to really say how I feel i.e.....if someone hurts me....I tend to let it build until it becomes a mountain!
X-rays - Lots of those lately....mostly on my stomach and esophagus area!

Yummy foods I make - Any baked good....homemade potato soup, homemade biscuits......I hope everything that I make is yummy, I love to cook, and love it when others love it!!

Thanks Mom, for tagging me!! Love you!! Miss you so much!

1 comment:

Tara Sloan said...

I will add to your "traits" - Loyal and warm!