Friday, February 6, 2009


Okay, so we may be the last people on the planet to have seen this movie, but we've fallen in love with it! Daniel and I had a couple over to this house this past weekend, and we watched this movie together.......I have to say, if you've not seen it, then get it, rather buy it and watch it!
It's an awesome movie! This movie holds nothing back from the starts right in on what most marriages look like!
This movie will bring you back to what true love is all about......not only a love between a husband and wife, but love for anyone!
We've been learning so much.......we bought the book "Love Dare" from the's so cool, it takes you through a 40 day process to help your marriage! Even if your marriage isn't close to divorce, this book will help bring you back to the reason why you married in the first place!
We are on day 5 and it's been great so far! I thought that I would blog about the process and how this helps our marriage! I may not write everyday, but at least once a week, I'll touch base on how we're doing! Hope this is helpful to someone else!
Check out you can find a wealth of resources on this website for your marriage, or even for your church!
So, I'll try to touch base again in a few days with one of my diary posts from the book!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh My Aching Hand...

So, I've not been able to blog in a little while....I had surgery last Friday for a ganglion cyst on my wrist. Everything went really well, I'm just the type that cannot sit still, so I took the weekend and rested, and went in to work on Monday.....had the doctor take off the bandages, and it was straight back to work!!

So, I'm a little sore today! Trying to take it a little easy, but I thought I'd check in....keep up my plan to try this whole blog thing out again!!

Daniel and the kids have been really sweet! This weekend, he got a real taste of all that I do, and I believe he appreciates me even more now! I couldn't even wash my own hair, so he did it for me, then held the hair dryer while I used the round became a team effort! Brownie points to men that step it up!

'Til next time, Blessings, Christy :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Puppy Love

It's been a sad couple of days in the Jones of our puppies died. Joshua's puppy, Sarah.

What was so weird about it was, first the chocolate colored one, Abby was sick, and got okay, so we didn't take her to the vet.....then we noticed Sarah feeling icky, so we just thought that she had the same thing, and would get over it.......but she didn't!

It's really hard being a parent and seeing your child upset. It's hard to explain death, and why it happens, ya know! We've had to be really careful because we've been praying for the puppies, and one got okay, but then the other one died, so we have to make sure that we explain to the kids that God had a different plan for Sarah!

Isn't that true with our life as well.....I know for me, I've had to learn that lesson! God has not always answered my prayers in the way that "I" think He would, but He does answer prayers! His word stated that "His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts"........"He knows the plans that He has for us" why do we struggle with answered prayers? I have been on my current job for over 2 the begginning I struggled with it......actually, I hated it. It wasn't something that I wanted to do..........okay so in my eyes it wasn't "Full time ministry" I was angry all the time, and stressed, to the point that I put myself in the hospital with chest pains that turned out to be anxiety! Now, God has shown me why He has me is my ministry, at least a part of it......Life is ministry, the marketplace, the school, the Target down the's all ministry, if we just make ourselves available! So, I've had the opportunity to make many friends, and minister to many people, and have a meeting place for our new church! So, in the end, I've prayed for God to use may not be in the way that I had planned, but in His plan........He is using me!!! :)

So, we said goodbye to Sarah today.....and the kids said hello, to a new Life Lesson!

Blessings, Christy

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm Baaaaack!!!

Okay, so there's been alot going on in my life over the past year.....gosh I really did not realize that I have not even been on this blog in over a year! That's pretty bad!! So here's the part of my "New Year, New Me" plan....I'm going to start slow, I'll blog at least once a week.....then I'll get the hang of things and step it up!
So, we've had alot change in our life over the past year......we moved out of our two bedroom apartment, and into a three bedroom/two bath house!!!!!! This is not our final home, but at least we have more room for the kids! As part of their Christmas, the kids adopted two puppies! Their part Chocolate Lab, part Australian Shephard! Sarah and Abby!! They're so sweet, and the kids are totally in love with them! The only issue is, Abby, the choc Lab seems sickly today......Oh, I pray she's okay.....I really don't want to have to help my child deal with death right now! Especially after seeing Marley and Me!! Just help us pray for her!
We also have some exciting news.......the Launch of the new church here in Calhoun County, Alabama with our Pastors/Spiritual Parents.....Pastors Craig and Tara Sloan! Check out the Church website at ......we are so excited..... the Sloan's move from Chicago back home to the South, next month......only five minutes away from us!! They are such a part of our family, and we love 'em so much, it's going to be so nice to have them close again!!
Well, I'll post more later, just catching up.......Be Blessed,