Thursday, June 14, 2007

While You Worship

I've really been stuck on a certain song over the past few weeks......
"While You Worship" by Martha Munizzi! It has been my anthemn!! I thought I would put the words in this post, so that it will be a blessing to someone else!
"You can make it through the storm
You can make it through the rain
You can make it through the trials
You can make it through the pain
And though you may not understand
There's a purpose, there's a plan
So while you worship, He'll bring you through it all
The rain won't last forever, the sun will shine again
And you'll make it through, just knowing that He is your friend
The storm will make you stronger, it drives you to your knees
And only when we worship, can His glory be seen

And only in HIS presence, can the answer be seen

So, while you worship, He'll bring you through it all"

I geuss I've been in a bit of a dry season lately.... I've really never been at a place
in my life like I am right now. It's truly a "Cave" experience, so to speak!
I love to sing, God has placed that passion in my life to be used for His glory.....I started out on a worship team over 10 years ago, and for the past 3 years or so, I've been the Worship Leader at a church that we are a part of, a church plant that totally impacted my life! Our Spiritual Parents moved to Chicago, and I miss them so much, I miss the church so much.....see the Church plant merged with another local church when our spiritual parents (the founders/pastors of the church) moved to Chicago......our plans are to move there as well....but at the present time, we are in a time of strategic planning/saving/preparing for this move.
I've taught Praise & Worship sessions on "Praising your way through".... "Setting the Atmosphere, through Praise & Worship"...... and now I really believe that God is saying okay big girl..... let's see if you practice what you preach!!!
So, pray for me, as I truly Praise & Worship my way through!
So, back to my "anthemn"....I geuss you can see why this song is such a blessing to me right now! It's so true that while we may not understand everything...frankly...we really don't have to understand everything.....if we just keep our focus....our worship on Him...we can make it through the storm! Because "While we Worship" He'll bring us through it all!

1 comment:

Just Me said...

Hey Girl....just dropped in from your friend's blog - she's on the pastor's wives blogroll that I'm also on. I just wanted to drop in and say hi! I scrolled down to read your first post - all about your wanting and need a change! Girl, you are singing my song! I find the blog helps me get the stuff out of my head, and sort it out on 'paper' so to speak. It also helps me to connect with others who are on this journey. I'm sure you're gonna run into others who will read your posts, and identify with you, about the changes your are longing for - many of us do! Anways..don't mean to make this so long...but just know that your on the journey with many others!